Puncak Penanaman Mangrove Nasional Secara Serentak Jajaran TNI di Seluruh Indonesia oleh Presiden RI


  • Moch. Nurdin Akademi Maritim Nusantara Banjarmasin




The planting in question is a way or process of instilling an action so that what is desired to be instilled will grow in aperson
such as planting mengrove as one of the mangrove forests or commonly called mangrove forests, even though the mention of
mangrove forests is not really appropriate because mangroves are only one of the mangrove species itself is the type of Rhizopora
spp. Research has shown that the carbon storage capacity of mangroves varies widely, depending on the influence of ecological
factors. Scientists have also measured the blue carbon storage capacity of mangrove ecosystems that are affected by changes
in land use over time, where there are selective logging and aquaculture activities.
Secretariat activities carried out by the ranks of the TNI and other national elements from elements of the Indonesian
National Police, Regional Governments and communities throughout Indonesia led by the President of the Republic of
Indonesia. On May 15 2023, this activity was also attended by the Director of the Banjarmasin ArchipelagoMaritime
Academy together with cadets as a form of concern and community service for the environment, one of which is planting
mangroves. Located in Taboneo, Tanah Laut Regency. Tanah Laut The Indonesian Navy Base (Lanal) Banjarmasin
carried out the planting of Mangrove trees.
Keywords: Plating, Mangrove, National



How to Cite

Moch. Nurdin. (2023). Puncak Penanaman Mangrove Nasional Secara Serentak Jajaran TNI di Seluruh Indonesia oleh Presiden RI. Balanting, 2(1), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.54315/balanting.v2i1.109




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