Sosialisasi Membangun Kejayaan Maritim Untuk Pulih Lebih Cepat, Bangkit Lebih Kuat Agar Laut Bersih, Rakyat Sejahtera Bersama Lanal Banjarmasin Dalam Gerakan Nasional Laut Bersih Tahun 2022
Socialization is a process of planting or transferring habits, or values and rules from one generation to another in agroup or
As for the purpose of community service activities with Lanal Banjarmasin, lecturers and cadets of the Banjarmasin
Archipelago Maritime Academy and children from the 10 Tabunio State Elementary School, of course, to motivate and
provide provisions for the surrounding environment that it is important to maintain cleanliness and immediately move to
clean action in creating a prosperous life for the community. everything, and of course there is a collaboration built from mutual
cooperation when cleaning the coastal environment to make it more beautiful and attractive.
The conclusion is in the community service activity entitled socialization to build maritime glory to recover faster, risestronger
so that the sea is clean, the people prosper together with the Banjarmasin lanal in the national clean sea movement in
Keywords: Socialization, Maritime, Sea